Comparing DC Finest to What’s on the Shelf!

The news of DC’s new line of chunky paperback collected editions – DC Finest – has certainly got me excited. There has definitely been a bit of a dry spell for classic material from DC, particularly in paperback format. So the new line is really welcome news.

However, I’m sure I’m not the only one who is comparing the released details of the new books against what I’ve already got on my shelves.

I’m going to take a look at Batman and Superman below as there have been recent volumes from DC covering similar time periods.

A photo of the book The Incredible Hulk Remasterwork Vol. 1. The cover has Bruce Banner changing into the Hulk.

Marvel ReMastering the Masterworks!

Interested in the Masterworks line but missed out on those early volumes? This could be just for you!

The news regarding “ReMasterworks” was announced way back in summer 2022 by Marvel but I was rather sceptical. Wouldn’t Marvel be cannibalising it’s own sales in what I presume is a pretty small niche? I decided to sit back and wait until I had some examples in my hands. Well, my scepticism was unfounded. I’m pleased to say the line has been going for at least a year now and the books look great.
